week one: class notes

Let's start with a competition: moms against kids, make a list of all the jobs which need to know something about anatomy and physiology.  Put in two columns, medical and non-medical.  What is the surprise job that really needs have a good background in A&P?
This is one good reason for learning this subject.

Who's been to Emergency? ---My story, Spending the Night in PICU.  It all started when...
and left me with an awareness of the overwhelming needs of so many others.  Life is not Normal.  There are Interruptions.
Awareness. This is the second reason.

Education: my own lack of...however... I have taught my own kids for 25 years, learning alongside of them, and have been mindful of the process.  This is my philosophy of learning, my plan, my goals.

What we have done so far & the State Standards.

Greek/Classical system of education:
  1. Grammar Phase(elementary) : the parts, the names, the facts, the sequence, what can be memorized. WHAT?
  2. Logic Phase: how things work, causes and effects, reasons.  WHY? HOW?
  3. Rhetorical Phase: putting it all together, expressing your own opinions it to others, designing your own experiment, asking questions beyond what is required. 
Hebrew System- Deut. 6: And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:And thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.  And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand..."  The Hebrew way was the learning of the heart, that everything we do in our day would somehow reflect our desire to know God, and be an occasion of learning of Him. 
Example: Homeostasis- How does homeostasis reveal the character of God?  i.e. His faithfulness.  What scripture confirms this?  Everything is an analogy, creation reflects God's nature.

Delight- Directed/ Interest -Driven  upstream vs. downstream learning. (We see with two eyes, and we learn with two "i's" - what is Interesting and what is Important.  Just as binocular vision gives depth to what we see, so does focusing on what is either interesting or important.  AP is both.

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