Week 6: Muscle Memory

Metacognition: Learning About Learning
  (Anderson, 10 minutes) 5 pts.

And about the sarcomere/motor unit:

Myosin and Actin- Khan Academy 10 minutes/5 pts.

Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction  Khan Academy 10 minutes/5pts.

Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Muscle Cells  Khan Academy 15 minutes/10pts.


II> Finish your Muscular System Posters  25 pts.  anterior & posterior

If you would rather start over or work in a different medium, like pencil or colored pencil, that would be just fine.  Just to be clear, I am wanting you to observe the individual muscles and draw them as accurately as possible.  Notice the shape, notice the size, the direction of the fibers, what is passing underneath and above and where these muscles are connecting.  I want you to think about what motion these muscles are designed for, and deduce where the muscle action would occur.  Don't just put red crayon over the bones---observe, observe, observe!!!  [ I just watched Sherlock:) ]

Label the muscles on your poster  15 pts.

Also, you can do the cranium (skull) separately -- see diagrams on the Reviewing with Pictures page. 10 pts.  

III. The Name Game 

Muscle Names Have Meaning  video 5 pts.

Print out the following page,How the Muscles Are Named and  "translate" the muscle Latin names to English descriptions.  For example:  

latissumus dorsi muscle = lateral (side) back muscle

This will help you:

  • Size: vastus (huge); maximus (large); longus (long); minimus (small); brevis (short).
  • Shape: deltoid (triangular); rhomboid (like a rhombus with equal and parallel sides); latissimus (wide); teres (round); trapezius (like a trapezoid, a four-sided figure with two sides parallel).
  • Direction of fibers: rectus (straight); transverse (across); oblique (diagonally); orbicularis (circular).
  • Location: pectoralis (chest); gluteus (buttock or rump); brachii (arm); supra- (above); infra- (below); sub- (under or beneath); lateralis (lateral).
  • Number of origins: biceps (two heads); triceps (three heads); quadriceps (four heads).
  • Origin and insertion: sternocleidomastoideus (origin on the sternum and clavicle, insertion on the mastoid process); brachioradialis (origin on the brachium or arm, insertion on the radius).
  • Action: abductor (to abduct a structure); adductor (to adduct a structure); flexor (to flex a structure); extensor (to extend a structure); levator (to lift or elevate a structure); masseter (a chewer).
I don't suppose you can get all of them, but try for as many as you can.  25 pts.


Quizlet review- 5 pts. each set- see Nomenclature Review

Reviewing with Pictures- practice drawing these diagrams from memory 5pts each diagram

 extra practice naming & pronouncing  muscles:  5pts. /5 min.video




1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs. Harmon! Are we supposed to take notes on all of the videos? You sometimes write "Notes" next to the videos you want us to notetake for, so I wasn't sure...
