Week 4:Dem Bones & Muscle homework

Dem Bones:

Brainpop (pcshome/ilearnathome) Joints 
5pts. for worksheet [word study: "arthro-' means joints, as in arthritis, arthropod.]

Your Skeleton: It's ALIVE! - CrashCourse Biology #30: (whodathot?) The Skeletal System

10 pts.

Either you or your mother, or both, may not appreciate the flippant style or opening remarks from this site; it is, however, interesting and does cover a lot of material. Very fast paced, notes should just be vocabulary and diagrams.

Interactive:  Interactive Body 
repeat for practice  3 pts. per round, maximum 5 rounds.

And since we didn't get around to it this last class, we will keep working on learning the major bones of the human skeleton, [* Most hard worksheet [] is in the study guide, chapter 5, pages 15-16 ]    5 pts.

videos: (each about 3-4 minutes)  5pts each/take some notes.

Introduction to the Human Body
Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
Bone Remodeling and Modeling
Anatomy of a Fracture
The Biology of Metastatic Bone Disease

Drawing: 15 pts. Do something artistic, like copy this:

love this!!D

Do something spiritual: Write an analogy about the 4 Tissue Types, and the Body of Christ.  1/2 page paragraph.  15 pts.

Also, you may do anything from  last week's homework that you did not get to, including a current event (present to class) or a short report. (related to anatomy & physiology.) 

Dat Muscle   
children's video - ??? because sometimes this gets us ready for the complicated stuff, and sometimes our little bros. want to watch too(kinda annoying).
    or brainpop (login: pcshome  username: ilearnathome) muscles
(A much less annoying approach.)
5 extra points for engaging a  younger sibling.

Anderson - muscular system notes/10 pts.

[Crash Course ATP & Respiration optional review from last's year's most complicated biology subject. 13 min. 10 pts  

Crash Course Muscular System 13 min. 10 pts  (hard to get the first time, but a really good review.)

 Textbook: Chapter 6:The Muscular System pages 133-142, summary 155-159 [printout pages 3-12, 26-30] reading 10 pts. review questions 15 pts.  chapter test 10 pts.
  Study guide: pg. 64-66 [print out 1-4) 5 pts. each page. Actually, print pages 1,2,4; because page 3 is the same as page 2.
Textbook work can be completed this week or next.

Extra Extra Credit: Of Interest:  Current Events & Review
Great Minds : Elizabeth Blackburn 3 pts (4 minutes)


  1. this is soo easy. but i like it. PS>don't tell MRS. harmon that.lol

  2. Hank reminds me of Shawn Spencer from Psych, but that means that I can only understand about one word out of 20.

  3. I agree. he has that witty confidence to him and that swift tongue like Shawn.

  4. just watched the vid. he does remind me of Shawn. LOL
