Week 2: Tissues & Systems

Tissues Lab 25 pts for basic, 30 points for exceptional. - Non-Optional)  To prepare for next Monday, finish your drawings of the tissue samples, this time using photos. Print this: Pictures of Tissues and carefully draw 6 more tissues (your choice), for a total of 8 drawings (2 from microscopes in class).  These should be as detailed as possible, colored pencils if you have them, and the point is to get you to notice details and to start seeing what some tissues have in common, and perhaps classifying them in groups, thinking about what they might be and what function they may play.  Guessing is fine. In the space surrounding your drawings, write in as much description as you can think of.  Your whole page, front and back should be full.

Core Content: Chapter 3- Organ Systems of the Body A synopsis of the 11 Systems
Chapter 3 Study Guide 7 pages 5 pts each page
Chapter 3 Text (20 pages/mostly diagrams  25 pts for end-of-chapter questions & chapter test. 
quizlet (11 words) http://quizlet.com/13987274/8th-grade-organ-systems-flash-cards/  5 pts.

Brainpop: Body Systems--login as pcshome, password is ilearnathome    Do any set of movie/FYI/worksheet/quiz that is about one of the organ systems (circulatory system, lymphatic system, etc.)  8points each set.

Game: Guts & Bolts (pcshome/ilearnathome) Kinda fun.  Part of the puzzle is that you have to figure out the rules without any real directions.  15 points

Print out this homework page, check off what you did, and total the points.  Turn this in next class.  See you then.

(*** your feedback is very helpful to me.) I will work on a "review page" so that we can keep working on the nomenclature. (names of things.)

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