Week 8: Neurons, Action Potential, Neurotransmitters

neurotransmitter videos: 5 pts each, but be sure to take notes or draw diagrams.
How Do Nerves Work TED-ed 4 min.
Neurons and How They Work   4 min.
Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine  4 min.
One minute, no words, tell me what you see: neurotransmitter synapse 3D
Action Potentials http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120107/anim0015.swf  2 min.

caffeine (scishow hank)
How Do Pain Relievers Work TED 4 min

Development of the Brain -NYTimes interactive article 5 pts
Jot down what changes at each age.
Teenage Brain - National Geographic article 15 pts
Take notes. Make up 3 significant questions and answer them.
What is one thing you agree with? what is something that you disagree with, or doubt?  Distinguish between the facts represented and the conclusions of the author.
Frontline: The Teenage Brain 55 min.   40 pts.
There are 6 segments, around 7-10 minutes each.  As you watch, keep a journal of your thoughts and reactions. ""no way!!! ridiculous...That is so my mom." etc.  Add your deeper insights too. (I won't read this)
On the same site there are multiple links--3 points for each link read.
Areas of the Brain - 12 terms - Quizlet  5 pts
khanacadamy: Anatomy of a Neuron 6 min. Draw along in your lab book
5 pts

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