Monday, November 26, 2012

Sleep Cycles

 Sleeping...there's an app for that!
 Or this one:
This site has some actual information that you should read. On the header bar choose "About sleep" and click on each of the five sections.  Jot down a few notes. [Importance, Bodily cylces, Inertia, Napping, and Sleep problems.] - [pcshome/ilearnathome]
movie, quiz, activity pages- graphic organizer only, FYI.

First, print out page 9 from this pdf :
 It may be helpful or necessary to also print out pages 10-15 (these are included in the interactive, but it may be more helpful to some if they are printed out.)
Then go to the website, Lesson 2: Houston, We Have a Problem and complete the activity.  In the end you should have filled out the Astronaut Telemetry Evaluation Form (the page 9 which you printed out.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Very little homework, and no homework page--that's something to be thankful for...
One thing only --Just start a sleep log.  Print out the first four pages of this pdf file:  and do what it says.  Get started right away, and if you forget one day, add another day to the end.  You will also need to count how many caffeinated drinks you have in the morning, afternoon and evening. 
Have a lovely holiday!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Follow the Yellow Brick Road...

True confessions--I am no teacher.  I am a home-school mom who is just one step ahead,  stumbling through the fields of knowledge, trying to find something better than knowledge, and leaving a path of breadcrumbs for you to follow.

Looks Like Peacock
Caffeine crystal

Hopefully, the homework will be that path.  Gather the information and make of it something more. Put together the pieces.  And may the water of facts and information become the wine of wisdom through the power of God's transforming grace.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Winner of the Ig Nobel Prize in Neuroscience goes to...

...Craig Bennett, Abigail Baird, Michael Miller, and George Wolford [USA], for demonstrating that brain researchers, by using complicated instruments and simple statistics, can see meaningful brain activity anywhere — even in a dead salmon.
Scanning Dead Salmon in an fMRI Machine Highlights Risk of Red Herrings  fmri-salmon