Week 3: Osteo- It Means Bones--How Ossum Is That!

Raise Funds for our Class Trip!!! 
Sign up all your Rich Uncles and Sweet Grandmothers !!!
Who wouldn't want to do this??? WIN-WIN! Make a goal: I will find  [this many]  sponsors who will each donate [this much money] per vertebrae (max. 31 vertebrae) and [this much] per brain section (5 sections).

non optionalHistology: non-optional
 Human Tissue Tutorial-use this site to add labels and notes to the tissue sample worksheet 10pts

videos: Help with Histology 10pts

quiz in class on tissue types - 12 points possible

[20 pts + 12 for quiz]


Introducing the
Skeletal System-  Our Goals are:
  • List the functions of the skeleton
  • Describe the general structure of a bone and list the functions of its parts
  • List and define the major kinds of bones in the human skeleton
  • Describe how bone is formed

Videosnon-optional/10 pts. ea keep your notes together.
 (45pts possible)

1.  The Skeletal System  (Anderson) TAKE NOTES

2.  skeletal system too  watch this and fill in the names of bones on this worksheet: Options:
3.  Brightstorm- skeletal system Take notes.

There will be an In-class Quiz for up to 20 points at end of class next Monday.  Functions of the bone, labeling parts
Textbook Reading:
Chapter 5: pages 1-12 only-10pts].
  •  End of Chapter :Review questions 1-5 .[5pts].,
  •  Chapter test  questions 1-17 .[5pts].,
  • and questions18-35 .[5pts]..

Label the Long Bone: Interactive 5pts. >most important, think about what each part does. :>

Another Option : Research Topics:  One page report, (include pictures) 25pts. Cite your references (book, article, internet site).  Anything related to bones, for example: bone diseases,  osteoporosis, how to build strong bones, bones in sports... follow your own interests here.

Please print out this page, record your points and turn in expeditiously at the beginning of class. 


  1. Is the tissue sample worksheet the paper we cut up and made into posters today?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yes that was the tissue page Katherine

  2. Mrs. Harmon...this is Nathan's dad...would it be possible to provide the page range numbers to be read instead of Chapter 5, pages 1 - 12? Is the chapter cover page considered page 1 or is the page after considered page 1? Thanks. Mr. Pearse.

  3. Only three of them reported on cancer, however.
    osteoarthritis treatment de
