week 10: Dissection

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7gEWzPqm94
Make a HANDWRITTEN list of all the brain parts that are pointed out in the video.  Look up and write down (not cut and paste) what is the function of those parts.  1 point each part/function.

http://www.exploratorium.edu/memory/braindissection/index.html  read/notes. 5 pts

http://psych.hanover.edu/classes/neuropsychology/Syllabus/Labs/DISSECTION.pdf read/take some notes -- 13 pages.  25 pts.

two interactives:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/organs/brainmap/index.shtml Brain Map  5 pts

Nervous System Interactive 5 pts

Reading Textbook textbook/ The Nervous System Chapter 7
Read the second portion of the text (pages 173-186: The central and peripheral nervous system.) 20 pts.
Take notes, highlight and follow with the worksheets:
Nervous System Worksheets
5 points for each worksheet. 

Crash Course Biology: The Nervous System   5 Pts.

READ THIS TOO:  Our final project for the Nervous Syestem is to give a presentation on a disorder of the nervous system/brain. You may do this in groups of up to 3 people, or on your own.  See here for basic details and ideas:
Bring your computers next week; we will devote some time to getting started.  5 pts. for reading this assignment.

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