Week 9: Neuro-Problems

1.  Short Review: Lesson 2: Neurotransmission &
Lesson 3: Drugs Alter Neurotransmission
Lesson 4: Long-term Effects of Drugs on the Brain (Do all videos + activities on each page.) 5 pts each section

2. Reading Textbook http://www.compass-school.org/sites/default/files/users/Beth%20White/Chapter%207%20The%20Nervous%20System_0.pdfou
Read first 1/3 of the text (14 pages.) 10 pts.
Take notes, highlight and follow with the worksheets:
5 points for each worksheet. (Print out all the worksheets as we will continue with the reading for the next two weeks.)

We watched several videos.
a.  "A Stroke of Insight"  A neuroanatomist describes her experience of having a stroke.  21 minutes.  disclaimer: she has some Eastern religious interpretation to her amazing experience. Still worthwhile. Jill Bolte Taylor - A Stroke of Insight (if this link is glitchy, find it on youtube.

b.  Two cartoons about brain doctors diagnosing a zombie. Very informative. http://ed.ted.com/lessons/diagnosing-a-zombie-tim-verstynen-brad-voytek & http://ed.ted.com/lessons/diagnosing-a-zombie-brain-and-behavior-tim-verstynen-bradley-voytek

(We also did the caffeine experiment, but it sorta fizzed out.  Oh well, at least we learned how to take our pulse.)

3.  As I told you about in class, there is a book, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Tales, by Oliver Sacks, neurophysiologist.  Good writer, amazing stories. These are case files which contain the histories of men and women dealing with serious, but interesting, neurological damage.  This week I would like you to read some of the cases from Part I - Losses.  You may read all the stories, but I want you to focus on these four (the introduction is very good, but difficult and therefore optional):
-The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
-The Lost Mariner
-The Disembodied Lady
-On the Level
(do as much as you can)  Find the stories in the Table of Contents and click on the  individual titles.

Please take notes.  Note a brief history of the patient's symptoms, and any clues you are given as to which part of their nervous system is damaged.  Also jot down a list of words you do not know the meaning of.  Reading on the computer is irksome (to me), but it does have the advantage of being able to look up unfamiliar vocabulary. http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/arvindgupta/wife-hat.pdf
50 pts. for reading & notes.

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