- understand that particular functions are localized to specific areas of the brain,
- appreciate that imaging techniques, like PET, allow scientists to study activity in the brain, and
- recognize that normal behaviors can activate the reward system in the brain and that drugs of abuse affect those same reward circuits.
If you have lost it already...Analyzing the Brain/Interpreting PET images worksheet - do all parts and finish the worksheet. For question 5, you need this information: Set #1 - Subject is resting Set #2 - Subject is listening to music Set #3 - Subject is looking at a picture showing both pattern and color. Set #4 - Subject is performing a thinking task. Set #5 - Subject must remember an image for later recall./ Set #6 - Subject is hopping up and down on the right foot.
And do also the other sections on that site:
How is PET Done? / What Does this Part of the Brain Do?/ Looking at the Human Brain 25 pts. for all
Brain scans (reading) 5 pts.
Read this handout: Whatever Happened to Phineas Gage?
(and answer the questions). Look up any words you do not know and write them down with their definitions. 15 pts.
BrainPOP.com - pcshome/ilearnathome -10 pts each for video, FYI, quiz & activity sheets Nervous System, Brain
Different Parts Do Different Things: This video, which names the parts of the brain, is by a "Bwitish" teacher explaining in a cool accent, and with way too much detail, the parts of the brain. You can follow along by drawing a sketch and writing down some of the parts--although you are not expected to remember all! Still, listening to the names will help with pronunciation and remembering. 2 parts, 10 minutes each. Take some notes in your science journal. 10 pts. each
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