Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Muscle Memory

This week finishes off our first section of A&P which covered a lot of vocabulary as well as the skeletal and muscular systems, from the microscopic view through the tissues, organs and organ systems.  For homework, we will complete our study of the motor unit/sarcomere, complete our posters of the muscle system and put some sense into all those words naming the muscles.  And we will review the vocabulary and diagrams that we have covered up till now.  I have added two more pages, besides the homework assignment, for ongoing review: Nomenclature review (which is vocabulary- think of naming things "nomen"  and "clad" in groups) --lots of Quizlets, actually.  Reviewing with Pictures is a compilation of the diagrams and illustrations that encapsulate our first 6 weeks.

And to start off, a lesson on learning.

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