Parents & Students,
Starting Monday, we will be studying anatomy & physiology for science, from 1:45-3:45. This is a change from the schedule previously given. There will be only one class per week, so that is different from last year. But not to worry, there will still be homework. And, I have ordered the Brains. Literally.
I am very excited about teaching this year and learning along with you. I have a new blog: http://wonderfullymade12.
KEEP READING. I would like the moms to join us for the first day of class so they can understand the new homework system, which will be like a video game where you earn levels (and hopefully rewards!). And it will be like an all-you-can-eat buffet, where you can choose from a lot of options, but you don't have to "eat" it all.
If you know other HS students not part of JB, they are welcome to join our group. The once-a-week class-time might be convenient for them.
Art will be on Thursdays from 10:45-12:00. We will be working this semester on ceramics.
I would like to collect a materials fee of $35 per student for art, and $35 for science. (no book needed, but expect to print out quite a few pages.)
I have been and will be working very hard to make this class interesting & memorable. It is an important subject; I find it strange that the study of our bodies and our health would take such a small and optional place in our state educational requirements. Those of you who are mainly looking to fulfill graduation requirements (and therefore are enrolled in NOVA or North Bay) may wish to take the class without the homework portion; I think you would still get a lot out of it. (This is a one semester class, tentatively.)
Feel free to call with any questions. Also let me know if you will be there Monday. In fact, hit "reply" just so I know you read the email.
Thanks, Veronique